Habitat & Identità | Exhibition Info →Info →
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LocationArezzo | Italy
ClientCentro Affari e Promozioni Arezzo
Built-up Area35 mq
ConstructorMax Studio
The Habitat & Identity exhibition, held in Arezzo, presents innovative commercial spaces through the exposition of models resulting from an interactive workshop activity led by designers selected by a scientific committee. The third edition is dedicated to the areas of sales/service related to body care: from the preparations emerge the proposal of a new imaginary space where the body is refocused and enriched, redefining itself in the direction of greater awareness. The immunodeficiency room is called Improper accumulations: the project explores the prospect of symbolic prevention, linked to the fear of infection with AIDS. It advocates a body space no longer dedicated to unnecessary slimming wraps, tonifying, strengthening, designed to enhance the aesthetic virtues of a narcissist myth that is becoming extinct, but rather where it is the body itself that seeks help from the mind, to protect itself and to proffer itself to others. Hence the provocative choice of the outstretched hands that protrude inside from the walls that define the allocated volume. The latter is made entirely with materials, accessories and system solutions provided by the companies that sponsor the event.