Ex Ansaldo – Pirelli Area | Office building Info →Info →
× Chiudi
LocationMilan | Italy
ClientPirelli & C. Real Estate Spa
Cost123.900.000 €
StructuresFavero & Milan Ingegneria Srl
InstallationsStudioTi | Electrical systems
The project, developed within the context of an international competition by invitation, centres on the former Ansaldo area in Milan. The competition specifications have suggested a new interpretation of relationships between different categories of premises, and the possibility to concentrate all volumes within a limited area to make the adjacent space available as urban square. The concept pivots on the theme of the block is created by removal of volumes conceived as the perforation of a solid building volume, to create a complex tissue rich in concavity and convexity, in trajectories of movement, where the aggregate of reticular cylinders act as urban landmark and as constructive element in a structural sense. The system of direct connection provided by the ten staircase/lift columns, from the parking area in the basement to the six floors housing offices, is integrated in a three-dimensional continuum of public areas connected to the urban access routes: a sequence of ramps and escalators connect two squares intercepting shops, restaurants and services. The roofs are conceived as supports for solar panels and photovoltaic cells for the production of renewable energy. In the adjacent public space the cylinder-shaped voids are transported as energetic towers characterizing the new square-park.
Ex Ansaldo – Pirelli Area | Architecture | Office building |
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